After I got a real bad case of poison oak the week I was supposed to be on a surf trip heading to the islands for the first south swell of the summer and then heading north to finish a back country snowboarding/rock climbing season here in the Sierras, I was then hit with altitude sickness. Can you believe it? I did not surf the islands because the p.o. started heading in places I did not want it to go~ like my eyes!
And then when I got to the Sierras I was dizzy, sick feeling, overcoming p.o. while trying to follow my dreams, get a good local job and move into a cute cabin, it was well... an adventure. Yvon Chouinard says "It's not an adventure till something goes wrong." Everything seemed like it was going wrong so it was an adventure.
And my second night was in a blizzard. It has been snowing almost everyday since I got here! Powders days in the middle of April for the last three days… WHAT? I have only heard this in locals legends. The kind mountain people tell stories about.
Recovering from altitude sickness that held me down for about a week my body was not able to move around my cabin in Sunny Slopes never the less reach the summit of a mountain. I had been struggling with getting winded on the smallest jaunts cross country split boarding...
You see, the recession hit me equally as hard last year and me and my pocketbook could not afford to go north to the snow. So I was not able to train in the mountains last year.
I heard jobs were real hard to come by on the mt last year too. So now that I earned being here it is just like my first season back country snowboarding I have been hiking and riding the mountains starting small and going bigger and higher everyday loving it!
Then my first real day in the mountains I finally climbed, reached the summit and rode powder all the way down the mt I climbed!
It seems like it is starting to warm up however it could be another April fools day and snow again! With blue skies and spring conditions the snow is still good! Its off to the hot springs now!